Oct 122022

Welcome back friends! Ready for another mash-up? I hope so because that’s what’s coming up!

The Year of Mina continues again this week with a revisit to the Wonderland theme. I had to dig a little deeper for this one. Most of my knowledge of Alice in Wonderland comes from the Disney animated feature and the Duchess wasn’t in that one. One of the main points I read about was that her crying baby was a pig so maybe this is baby Wilson!

That’s all for this week! Have a great weekend everybody!

Mar 202020

Hi there! It’s Friday of a weird week so let’s cap it off with something equally weird and maybe a little wonderful.

Here we have Skitter dressed up as a playing card guard. I really didn’t know what I wanted to dress Skitter up as. The remaining characters didn’t really look distinctive enough. So he got stuck as a card.

That’s all for this weekend. Be safe everybody!

Mar 132020

Hey! It’s Friday, time for a fla…no! It’s a new piece! Let’s get to it!

Here’s Chae as the Queen of Hearts! It’s a funky dress design and I think it turned out alright. It was an interesting challenge.

That’s all for this week! Have a great weekend and we’ll talk again next Friday!

Mar 062020

Good morning! Hope the day is going well so far! But then you’re starting it off right with a mash-up so how can it not be?

Here’s Red Rich as the King of Hearts. I went with the King of Hearts back in the day because, even though the Queen of Hearts is a more important character, it made more sense to have Rich as the King. This is an okay piece, hate the colouring I’m doing, BUT I found a brush tool I like better than the ones I’ve been using so far. I’m hoping it’ll get better as I get used to it.

Here’s a comparison to the original. I tried a completely original design the first time and this time I tried to go back to the look from the original Alice illustrations, which were much more inspired by playing cards.

That’s all for this week. Next week is the first of two new Wonderland pieces with Chae and Skitter. See you next Friday for the reveal!

Feb 282020

Fridays and Flashbacks go together like mac and cheese. It’s one so here’s the other!

Here we have Deema as the Caterpillar, looking happy as always with her chocolate milk.

Here’s a comparison to the original, which was one of my favorite pieces for a very long time. It was even the background for my phone until I changed phones and forgot to transfer it. I’ve drawn better since, but I still like the concept so much. The remake is better drawn, but darned if I don’t prefer the original’s charm better.

That’s all for this week! More Wonderland next Friday!