Feb 232013

From the journal of Ardebast Raconteur:

Seton is about the sleepiest community you’ll ever wander into. I say this as a fur who comes from there. My fondest wish growing up in Seton was to move away from there. While I am now old enough to appreciate the tranquility, as a pup it was excruciatingly boring.

Many furs choose Seton as a place to settle down in their old age. And old furs have stories. One of the few things I found to do was listen to the stories these older folk had to share. One badger in particular, Krynn, was an accomplished storyteller. Listening to his stories and how well he told them inspired me to dedicate my life to acquiring stories and sharing them with as great aplomb. Sadly he passed away while I was away during my first great excursion into Pelaria so I never had the opportunity to share any of my stories with him. It is my greatest regret.

But back to Seton. It is the easternmost community in Pelaria. It lies to the south of the Crimson Coast. The water off the coast is shallow, with many sand drifts rising above the surface. Large boats are advised to avoid approach. The danger is so great that a large lighthouse has been constructed to warn approaching ships. A number of shallow barges are tasked with ferrying cargo to and from the docks on the eastern coast of Seton Isle.

Carja’s notes:

My main thought in developing the blurb for Seton was that I didn’t want another fishing community.And then I decided that Ardebast was born and raised there (he moved to Sixtus later in life).

When creating the map of Pelaria, I added the sand drifts off the coast for visual flair only. Now they’re part of Seton’s identity. I’m not even sure if sand drift is the correct term. It’s the only thing I could think of. If anybody knows what they’re really called. Let me know!