Oct 282022

Hey it’s already Friday! This week just breezed past and I missed posting this week’s mash-up. Mina gave me an earful so here we are with a Friday edition of the Wednesday Mash-up. Enjoy!

The Year of Mina continues as we revisit the spookiest time of the year. No Hallowe’en season can be complete without a jack o’lantern so Mina is here to fill that role! And she’s doing a right smashing job of it too. I could almost say she’s a smashing pumpkin…if that wasn’t a trademark violation. Instead I’ll say she’s a marvelous gourd. That should be safe enough.

That’s all for this week! Have a great weekend and see you all next week for more fun!

Oct 312018

Happy Hallowe’en friends! We’re closing things out with a something devilish. Hmmm…maybe some deviled eggs for the trick or treaters?

As I was trying to figure out who went with what for this theme, I was coming up short for two costumes. A traditional Hallowe’en monster is a werewolf, but how does that work for characters who are already animals? It just didn’t fit in my mind. That took one of the big pieces out of the puzzle. I hate zombies so there was no way I was doing that. Originally, Skitter was going to be a jack o’lantern, but I switched him to a hunchback lab assistant to round out the Frankenstein trio. The jack o’lantern didn’t feel right with anybody else so that was out. I thought of a scarecrow, but didn’t like that either. So then I thought of a devil for Chae. Great! But what about Red Rich? Maybe the Phantom of the Opera? Maybe, but that just felt like the vampire costume with a mask. I needed something and I just couldn’t figure out what. So I just decided to do a devil couple. The same argument could be made against the devil costume as I had for the Phantom of the Opera in that it feels kinda samey with the vampire costume, but there was nothing else I wanted to do and the Phantom pictures I was looking at weren’t working for me, so I went with the devil duo. And that’s the long of it.

And here they are.

Here’s Chae by herself. If not for the horns you couldn’t really tell she’s supposed to be a devil I think, but it’s a lovely dress.

And here’s Red Rich. It sorta works.

That’s all for the Hallowe’en fun. Next week we’ll get to those X-Men flashbacks I promised. Probably.

Oct 242018

Creepy greetings and crawly salutations all. It’s time for some more Hallowe’en fun!

This week we have a mummy, a skeleton and a ghost, played by Big Oonch, Sass and Zoë respectively.

Here’s Zoë as the ghost. I really didn’t know how to colour this one. It’s..alright.

Here’s Big Oonch as a mummy. He had a little trouble with the bandages.

Here’s Sass as a skeleton. This is my favorite of the three. I get a flashback of the original Karate Kid looking at it.

That’s all for this week. The final spooky chapter comes next Wednesday just in time for Hallowe’en!

Oct 172018

Shucks howdy! How y’all doin’? It’s Wednesday and that’s a day for mashin’!

It’s Hallowe’en and this week we’re looking at some classic costume ideas: a witch, a vampire and a spider. Deema’s scale isn’t quite right compared to the other two, but you get the idea.

Here’s Nektara by herself. Because the hat makes the picture so tall, the whole thing looks rather small when I shrink it to the usual dimensions. This was the first piece I drew for the Hallowe’en set because it’s such a classic. The brim of her hat is iffy, but the rest is solid.

Here’s Todrick by himself. Yeah, I’m digging this.

And finally, here’s Deema…by herself. It’s okay. The plush effect of the spider costume isn’t something I’m all that good at. It is what it is.

That’s all for this week. Next week, we look at some less than alive alternatives.

Oct 102018

Hello peoples! It is time for the showing of the mash-ups! This week we start a spooooooky Hallowe’en theme!

I kinda sorta remember reading Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. I’ve never seen any of the movies based on the book. The story and the classic movie’s visuals have infiltrated the culture. If you say the name Frankenstein, most people immediately think of the monster Boris Karloff played on the screen. Even though Frankenstein is the doctor’s name. His creation is just the monster. The lab assistant, commonly named Igor, wasn’t in the original book. He was a later addition in stage and movie adaptations.

So here we have the trio of Dr. Frankenstein, his lab assistant, Igor, and the monster, played by Cyran, Skitter and Barnaby respectively. Barnaby was a natural fit to play the monster, though I suppose it could have been humorous to switch Barnaby and Skitter’s roles. I haven’t mentioned it in a while, but you can click on the pictures to see closeups.

Here are some closer looks to the individual pieces, starting with Cyran as Dr. Frankenstein. I really dig this one. And I feel the electricity effect came out well.

Skitter as Igor. The costume is based on the costume Marty Feldman work in Young Frankenstein.

And Barnaby as the monster. The green tinge on the fur worked out FAIRLY well. It was something I wanted to try.

That’s all for this week. More spooky fun next Wednesday!