Aug 242012

From the journal of Ardebast Raconteur:

It’s been some time since I set paw on the Crimson Coast. I’m not one for the beach myself and it just isn’t a breeding ground for stories to be honest. Maybe someday.

The Crimson Coast gets its name from the unusual red sand that is found there. When the sun sets, the coast glows blood red. It truly is one of the more breathtaking sights in all of Pelaria.

The popular legend amongst the residents is that the sand turned red from the blood spilt during the war against Man, though no records exist of any major battles actually being fought in the coast. It makes for a good story though.

The Crimson Coast is a popular vacation destination amongst furs who can afford to take time off. The beautiful vistas and the warm sun make it a wonderful place to just lounge around. The Royal House of Pelaria has a summer home here. I try to time my visits to the Crimson Coast during those times of the year when the King and Queen are there as the whole area is predictably more lively then.

Carja’s Notes:

The Crimson Coast! It just sounds so cool. It sounds like a pirate hideout. That was initially what I envisioned it as but ultimately I pushed the criminal element of Pelaria towards Northend. A vacation spot doesn’t necessarily fit in with the work ethic of a hard-working fantasy-age world, but who’s to say furs don’t like a vacation now and then?