Oct 242017

Hi there Top Men and Top Women. It’s time for another blog post.

I participated in a Star Wars Destiny tournament on Saturday. It was the second tournament held by Les Dés Truqués and the first to have what I will refer to as competitive players participate. Simply put, they dominated. Fortunately, they were all friendly folks, no jerks among them. I usually favour fun and theme to ruthless efficiency so I don’t know that I can really be successful on a competitive level. Don’t get me wrong, I like to win as much as they next guy, but I just don’t see the fun in everybody playing the same min-max decks. I’ll keep having fun losing with my quirky and/or thematic decks.

The challenge I set for myself is to do one-off strips through the end of November. I’ve just drawn the strips for the week of November 24th, so that actually only leave me with another week to go so that’s not as challenging as I thought. I’m also looking to do some more seasonal stuff and I’m not in the middle of a story arc this year so it works out. As always we’ll see how that goes.

Story tip I learned from the WWE show last night: Try not to put your heroes in a scenario where the only way they can win is if the villains act in the stupidest way possible. The main event was an entertaining car wreck to a certain point. Then it just became an eye-rolling affair. One guy hits his partner by accident. The partner gets angry and shoves him. They put their beef to the side and continue wrecking their opponents. That’s fine. Then later, out of nowhere, the guy who hit his partner by accident decides to hit his partner on purpose. The other partners inexplicably side with the one who turned on their ally (their strongest member by the way) and eliminate him. Then, later, when the bad guys have blown every advantage they had, their leader, with only one way to safely escape, decides to go the complete opposite way so he can be crushed. By the time the good guys won, it didn’t feel like they earned the victory. They just got lucky the bad guys were dumb. And I’m supposed to believe they’re still credible threats after that?

That’s all for this week. Have a good seven and we’ll do this all again next Monday. Carja V.




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