Dec 102016

Welcome to a special Saturday edition of Flashback Friday, also known as “Carja forgot Friday morning, got home way late from gaming, the site was down so he had to wait until Saturday morning to post” or the CFFMGHWLFGTSWDSHHTWUSMTP for short…it’s going to become a thing. Watch. In the meantime, remember to click on the images to get a close-up.

Teela. One of the three female characters from the original toy line (I wasn’t able to get any of them). The toy came with some pretty nifty looking snake-themed armor pieces that were dropped from the character in the cartoon. Her look in the show pretty much defines her now. She’s the adopted daughter of Man-at-Arms and biological daughter of the Sorceress (her biological father is at present unknown, but I wouldn’t put it past the current comic book line to explore that history someday). For the longest time, Teela is oblivious to the fact that Prince Adam is He-Man (a testament to his skill at playing a good-for-nothing). She does eventually find out in the aforementioned comic line, where she also learns of her heritage. Her character history is actually pretty interesting and more than the common toy line fare.

Sass is here to reprise the role of Teela. The pose is taken from the Teela statue from Pop Culture Shock and though she’s far from perfect, I’m proud of the way she turned out considering how hard it was to draw. I really had a lot of trouble with her lower body. I just couldn’t get the legs looking right. I eventually realized that the upper body positioning was off which made the legs look really off so I started over and finally managed to get it looking acceptable. This to say that I still struggle greatly with anatomy and posing. It occurs to me looking at it as I prepare to post that the tail is maybe a tad too long.

Here’s the comparison to the original mash-up. That original torso is really off and of course the spindly limbs detract from the action pose. The first mash-up is based on the toy while the new one is based on the cartoon. Since Teela’s and Evil-Lyn’s toys had the same body sculpt, I didn’t want the two mash-ups to look like each other (the same reason why the original Evil-Lyn mash-up was based on the Evil-Lyn from the reimagined toy line while the original Teela mash-up was based on the original Teela toy.)

That’s all for this week. We’ve got three more Masters flashbacks to go and then four new pieces before we move on to the next theme.

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