Apr 272013

The group walked in silence. The night had been long and the sleep short. Raz led the way, followed by Bunwick and Wilhemina. Behind them, Zouly rode atop Teeper’s shoulders. The groundhog had not come back to himself and still acted wild. After some debate, mostly from Wilhemina who wanted to claim Teeper as her pet, the group had agreed to bring Teeper with them and that Zouly would take care of him.

Before leaving the inn, they had helped themselves to some supplies. It wasn’t looking like Dross and Jinni were ever coming back. The moral high ground was one thing, but letting food and goods go completely to waste was another. Wilhemina nailed a warning note to the door that, “Here there be phantoms!”

The sky was overcast and sombre. It would rain soon. They were coming on the final days of autumn and the days were getting colder. There would be at least two cold nights around a campfire before they reached Lancton. The sun was starting to set on the first day when they spotted across a small convoy of wagons a ways off the main road to the west.

“Most likely Rota,” Raz surmised. He explained to his companions, “The Rota are wanderers. They roam the countryside of Pelaria. The convoy is their family, the wagons are their homes. They follow the wind and the wind doesn’t hold to any road.”

“Are they friendly?” Bunwick asked.

“Most are,” Raz answered. “Unless you give them a reason not to be. If you threaten the Rota’s family, they will not hesitate to kill you where you stand. They are fierce fighters when they need to be.”

The last part made Bunwick nervous. “Are we sure we want to bother them then?” he asked the others.

“Do you plan on threatening their family?” Zouly asked.

“Well, no…” Bunwick replied, his cheeks growing hot with blush beneath his fur.

“We should be alright then…” Zouly pointed out. “Night’s coming on and there’s safety in numbers.“ He nudged Teeper with his heel to direct the groundhog towards the Rota encampment. Raz and Wilhemina agreed with his logic and followed suit. Still concerned but ceding to the frog’s logic, Bunwick brought up the rear.

As they approached the Rota camp, a solitary figure walked out to meet them. He was a wolf, dressed in colourful garb. His face was calm yet guarded. “Greetings travellers. What wind blows you this way?”

The others deferred to Raz to speak for them as he was the most familiar with the Rota and their ways. “Greetings. We were on out way to Lancton when we saw your wagons. We were hoping you would allow us to share your campfire with you this evening. The night is cold and the Wild grow bolder as food grows scarce.”

The wolf nodded, “Our fires are always open to furs in need. I am Kastagan, wind-seeker for this family. I bid you welcome.”

Raz smiled warmly, “Thank you Kastagan. I am Raz. These are my friends, Bunwick, Wilhemina and Zouly.” He pointed to each of his companions as he introduced them. The smaller furs each gave a little bow.

Kastagan looked them each over in turn. His eyes then fell on Teeper, “And your steed, frog rider? What of him?”

Zouly looked embarrassed, “Uh this is Teeper…it’s a long story.” He then recounted the events of their stay at the Bridgeside Inn. Kastagan listened to their tale but offered no comment. When Zouly was done, he asked the wolf leader, “In your travels have you ever come across an animal that fell back to the Wild?”

Kastagan considered the question, then answered, “In truth, I cannot be certain. When one meets a wild animal, one does not usually consider that it may not always have been so and therefore does not think to look for signs that prove the contrary.”

“That makes sense I guess,” Zouly admitted. “I don’t suppose then you know of anything that might help Teeper come to his senses again?” When the wolf shook his head no, Zouly shrugged, “Well, it was worth a shot.”

Unable to keep silent any longer Wilhemina finally interjected, “You know, it’s getting cold out here! Couldn’t we move this boring conversation over to the fire?”

Her companions looked aghast at the bluntness of her approach, but Kastagan didn’t seem to mind. He apologized in fact, “I’m sorry. How silly og me? In truth, I am not myself these days since my daughter has fallen sick.”

Mina opened her mouth to say something but Raz quickly cut her off, “I’m sorry to hear that. Have you no healer amongst your family?”

Kastagan shook his head, “It has been some time since we’ve travelled with a healer amongst us. Not many instructed in the healing ways succumb to the call of the wind. I was hoping to find one when we reached the Reunion, but we are still some days’ travel away and my daughter’s condition worsens.”

“Maybe I could take a look at her?” Zouly offered. He hopped down from Teeper’s shoulder and moved up to the wind-seeker. “I’m not a fully trained healer, but I’ve picked up a few things here and there.”

Kastagan did not hesitate, “I am eager to accept any help at this point. This way, please.” He led the group to his wagon. “Forgive me if I only allow your friend into my wagon,” he told the others as he helped Zouly in. The others nodded understandably. He continued, “Help yourselves to a place by the fire. Soup will be served soon.” He then headed into the wagon himself.

The three furs moved to take a place by the fire. As promised, a hearty soup was served to them. After days of cold rations, a hot meal was most welcome and they eagerly consumed the meal. An hour passed before Zouly emerged from the wagon. His companions looked to him eagerly for news.

“The pup will survive,” he reassured them. “I was able to prepare a syrup that helped break her fever. She’ll be bedridden for a week or two before she regains her strength again.”

Raz smiled, “I had no idea you were a healing frog!” Already he seemed to be counting the Shinies that could be made.

Zouly shrugged, “There’s plenty you don’t know about me.” He added, “Plenty I don’t know about you either and I like it that way.”

Raz looked hurt, “Come now! Surely we’re all friends at this point?”

Zouly helped himself to some soup from the pot that hung over the fire. Without looking at the others he allowed, “We’re not NOT friends.”

Raz raised his eyebrows, “Good enough I suppose. Oh look, here comes Kastagan.”

The wind-seeker had a look of relief on his face as he emerged from his wagon and approached the fire. “My daughter sleeps soundly,” he announced. “I thank the winds for blowing you in our direction.”

Zouly looked embarrassed, “I only did what any fur would do given the circumstances.”

Kastagan shook his head, “You did what none of my family could do. You saved my daughter’s life. Our family is forever bonded to you for this.”

He joined them by the fire. The rest of the evening was spent with the Rota regaling their guests with stories of their travels and explaining their customs. In all it was a welcome change to the horrible night they’d spent at the Bridgeside Inn. They slept soundly amongst their new friends.

When it came time to part ways the next morning, Kastagan followed the travellers back to the main road. He clasped Zouly‘s little webbed paw in his larger furred paw, “You will always find friends in the Rota, frog rider!” Earnestly, he said to the little frog, “If ever you are in need, call my name out and the wind will carry your voice to my ear.”

Zouly nodded, “Thank you Kastagan.” He hopped back onto Teeper’s shoulder, “Until the winds blow us together again!”

Kastagan smiled, “Well said!”

The wolf stood aside and let the group pass by him to continue on their way. When they had attained some distance from them, he could just make out Wilhemina’s voice as she asked her travel mates, “How will he possibly be able to hear Zouly if he calls out his name?” He couldn’t make out the answer but he smiled before turning back to the encampment, leaving the travellers to walk the last section of the road to Lancton.

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