Apr 062013

DISCLAIMER: The Furship Chronicles narrate the adventures of our gaming group as we playtest the Age of Animus Storytelling Game. Bunwick is played by Frank, Raz is played by Steve, Wilhemina is played by Fab and Zouly is played by Lyne. The interactions you read are not straight transcriptions of their conversations in the game (My memory isn’t good enough to remember them all) but rather my interpretation of their characters as they played them in our gaming session. I hope I do justice to the fun we had playing.

“You guys should have packed some food, like I did,” Wilhemina declared while munching on her trail mix.

That riled Zouly. The frog hopped up, “Who do you…”

Bunwick quickly interrupted, “You’re right, Mina…” As always, he had to play the peacekeeper. He understood Mina better than the others having traveled longer with her. She didn’t mean to upset them. She just had an innate knack to push their buttons.

“Of course I’m right!” the weasel asserted, “You all would do a lot better if you listened to what I have to say.”

“Any chance you might share that food, friend?” Raz inquired. The wolverine’s stomach rumbled.

Wilhemina looked at him as though he’d just sprouted a second nose, “Share?” She then shook her head, “I couldn’t do THAT. I wouldn’t have any left and then there’d be FOUR starving animals on the road instead of three! How is that better? I mean, really!”

Zouly snorted in disgust, “If we had something to eat we wouldn’t be starving now, would we?”

Mina ignored his comment just as she always did when someone pointed out a flaw in her logic. She resumed her munching.

Wilhemina had been right about one thing. Leaving Sixtus without supplies hadn’t shown much forethought. It spoke of their inexperience as travelers. This would have to be remedied if they hoped to survive a life on the road.

“There’s a farmhouse up ahead”, Bunwick said, pointing to a structure in the distance. “Maybe the farmer will let us buy some food off of him.”

“Sounds good. Let’s go!” Raz motioned for the others to follow him as he bolted down the trail.

The farmer watched as the foursome marched up the dirt road to his home. The badger was rocking on the front porch. With the harvest completed, it was time to relax.

“Hello my good fur!” Raz called out, holding his paw up in greeting.

The badger didn’t get up. He kept on rocking, “’lo..”

Not very talkative, Raz thought to himself. Okay, let’s turn on the charm.  “Nice farmhouse you have here! You must be very proud!”

The farmer shrugged, “It keeps the rain off.” He peered at them for a moment, then finally asked, “Is there something you wanted?”

Raz smiled, his fangs gleaming in the light. “Indeed, indeed! We were wondering if you might have some food to spare. We’re travelers and we’ve run out.”

“More like we forgot to pack any…” Zouly mumbled.

“Quiet” Raz snapped through gritted fangs. He smiled at the farmer, “Naturally, we’d pay for the meal!”

“Pay? You?” Zouly snorted. He caught a glimpse of the sour look the wolverine shot him and backed down, “Fine, fine…shutting up.”

The badger tilted his head, “Hmm…don’t have much use for Shinies myself.” He saw the discouraged looks on the furs’ faces, and considered, “But my shed does need painting.”

The group looked to the small structure standing to the side of the house. The four of them working together would be able to make quick work of it.

“Will you be supplying the paint?” Bunwick asked.

The badger regarded him with a look of disdain, “You hiding cans of paint under your tail or something? Of course I’ll give you the paint!”

Even though the deal was fair, Raz couldn’t resist the urge to negotiate, “We’ll also need lodging for the night…and a little something for the road tomorrow?”

The badger nodded, “There’s room in the barn. Plenty of straw to sleep on. I can give each of you a hunk of bread to take with you in the morning.”

Raz smiled broadly, “Deal!” He looked to his companions, “C’mon friends! Let’s get to work!”

“Work? Me?” Wilhemina whined, “Why should I have to work? I already have food!” She headed towards the farmhouse, “I’ll keep our host company. You look like you could…”

The farmer got up, “I’ve got to prepare supper.” He went in the house and closed the door behind him.

Wilhemina huffed, “Well that was rude!” She went off to sulk.

“Aren’t you going to help?” Bunwick called out after her.

Zouly nudged him, “Let her go! It’ll be nice and quiet for a change.”

Bunwick considered that for a moment. He decided the frog was right and turned to the shed so that he and the others could set to work.

* * *

“Oh no!” Zouly snapped as Wilhemina held out a plate. The farmer was ladling out their supper. “You didn’t help so you don’t get anything!”

“I did too!” Wilhemina pouted.

“So you helped us paint the shed?” Zouly asked sharply.

Wilhemina hesitated, “Well no…but I didn’t NOT help.”

Bunwick looked to the frog, “You’re the one who wanted her to stay away so it would be quiet, Zouly.”

Wilhemina perked up, “That’s right! I helped by staying away like you wanted me to!” She folded her arms across her chest in victory.

Zouly opened his mouth, staring blankly at the beaming weasel. Finally he threw up his arms, “Fine! Feed her!”

The farmer ladled out the rest of their supper and they quickly dug in. The long day’s travel combined with the laborious job of painting the shed had given them quite an appetite. Wilhemina just liked eating.

After the meal was complete, they bade the farmer good night and went out to the barn to settle down for the evening. The boys were so exhausted they were out before Wilhemina could even finish her first comment.

* * *

“Thank you again, my good fur!” Raz expressed warmly as the farmer pawed him a big hunk of warm bread. The smell was intoxicating.

“Don’t get many visitors,” the badger noted, “But as strangers go, you’ve been helpful enough. You’re welcome to stop in again if ever you’re in the area.”

Bunwick smiled, “Thank you. We will.”

Wilhemina cleared her throat, “Maybe by then you’ll learn to appreciate it when a lovely weasel offers to keep you company.”

Zouly gave her a sharp elbow to the shin, “Quiet you!”

The three boys held up their paws to wave, reluctantly followed by Wilhemina doing the same, “Bye now!” And so off they went down the road towards Calix’s Cross, the next big stop on the road to Lancton.

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