Apr 012019

Hey there! Let’s blog it up!

It didn’t seem like I did a lot of gaming over the weekend, but the games were memorable.

First on Friday night we started Pandemic Legacy. The gimmick behind Legacy games is neat where the game evolves as you play with stickers and new cards and such. We lost early January but won late January so we go into February with the win which is nice. I haven’t played enough regular Pandemic to have “solved” the game, so it’s a good challenge.

On Sunday we continued the campaign for Mechs vs. Minions. I’ve started the campaign over three times now? And I’ve never gotten past game number 4…until now! Yes! We’ll be going on to game number 5 next time!

Later, I got Rune Age to the table. The remarkable part is that the game came out in 2011 and I believe I’ve had it since then. The expansion came out in 2012 and I know I bought that when it came out, so it’s been at least since 2012 that I’ve owned the game and it just never hit the table. I’ve brought it to game night a few times but it didn’t feel like the right fit. Yesterday I just decided to go for it. So Melissa and I played and it was a decent game. I can’t say it was GREAT, but definitely playable. Maybe it won’t take another seven years to get it back to the table.

Next weekend is Wrestlemania! I’ll be sharing my thoughts as usual. Until then, have a good seven and we’ll do this all again next Monday. Carja V.

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