Mar 032018

Howdy folks! Time for a rasslin’ flashback!

Wooooooooo! It’s time to talk about the dirtiest player in the game, the Nature Boy, Ric Flair! He’s another of those heels that was just so good at being bad you have to respect him for what he was able to accomplish.

Here’s Nektara in one of the Nature Boy’s robes. Truth be told, his robes are the most iconic thing about Ric Flair. There are plenty of other wrestlers who came to the ring in robes, but Flair’s are a class apart.

Here’s a comparison to the original. I went with a different robe design this time around. Basically I felt a little braver than I did last time. I wouldn’t say I nailed it this time around, but it’s definitely a more interesting look.

That’s all for this week. I got it out on the day I intended so you know, cool! Will I succeed next week? Come back and find out!

Feb 252018

Greetings and salutations on this SUNDAY morning. Spaced again yesterday. Sorry about that.

I hated Brother Love. That means Bruce Pritchard did his job and did it well. As is the case with a lot of bad guys from the 80’s, I am now able to recognize how good they were at eliciting a reaction from the crowd. His Wrestlemania V segment with Roddy Piper (my all-time favorite) was great stuff. “I looooooove you! But that doesn’t mean that I liiiiiiike you!”

If there’s any character that personifies love in the Animus cast, it’s Deema. She loves everybody. She could also pass for James E. Cornette if need be, as he was also one for colourful suits.

Here’s a comparison to the original. The original wasn’t bad for the time. The shaky lines are its biggest weakness of course.

That’s all for this week. Come back next week for more fun!

Feb 182018

Hi. It’s Sunday morning and I missed another posting date. More on that another time. For now, let’s just try to have a little fun.

Curt Hennig was all shades of awesome. It took a little bit for me to notice, because he was a bad guy and all, but he was just so great at everything he did in and out of the ring. He wasn’t far from his moniker. He’s grown to be one of my favorites of all time. After a while, everybody realized that he was what he said he was. And he said, he was perfect!

Here’s Todrick as Mr. Perfect. There was nothing really flashy about Mr. Perfect. He wore a brightly coloured singlet. He carried a towel and he chewed gum. Without fail, on his way to the ring he would spit his gum and swat it away with his hand before it hit the ground. It’s so iconic I had to try to recreate it in the mash-up.

Here’s the comparison to the original piece. The proportions are all off in the original of course. His swatting arm is still longer than it should be but that’s the way it came out.

That’s all for this week. More wrestling fun next week.

Feb 032018

Hello everyone and welcome to Saturday Night’s Main Event! I’m your host Carja McMahon and I have no cohost this week as I can’t think of another play on the name Jesse “The Body” Ventura!

I NEVER liked the One Man Gang. I’m not crazy about tattoos and the whole biker look just doesn’t work for me. He was also overweight and didn’t wrestle a style I enjoyed. There was literally nothing I liked about him. I appreciate the Gang more now in hindsight, but he’ll just never be one of my favorites. He’s here because he’s got a distinctive look for a heel.

Here’s Barnaby as the One Man Gang. Dooooooooh!

Here’s a comparison to the original. The colours of the original piece are a bit more muted. The proportions were of his legs versus his body have changed over time.

That’s all for this week. More wrestling fun next Saturday!

Jan 272018

Hello everyone! I’m Carja McMahon and these are the Superstars of Wrestling!

Bam Bam Bigelow was an anomaly. He was a huge guy who had incredible agility. He had this really mean tough-guy look and was introduced with all the bad guy managers jumping over each other to manage him. Then in a twist, he hires this new guy (to WWF fans at the time) to be his manager and was a good guy. It looked like he was going to be pushed straight to the top of the card. And then he just disappeared. He went to wrestle elsewhere and came back to the WWF to be a bad guy but he never reached the heights originally expected. I didn’t care much one way or the other. He wasn’t my cup of tea, but I didn’t hate him either.

So Chae is here as Bam Bam. Her head shape was the most conducive to this pick. The head tattoo was something else to draw.

That’s all for this week. Next week, we start the heels (bad guys) flashbacks.