Mar 022022


Dobby the Elf shows up for the first time in the second book. Skitter is here to play him. It’s just a sack, but that’s what Dobby wears. You do not know joy until somebody gifts you a sock as Skitter will be the first to tell you.

That’s all for this week. Who’ll be up next week?

Nov 172021

Wednesday is a good day. One week out of two I gets paid and that is usually pretty helpful towards staying alive. It’s also the middle of the week. We’ve climbed the steep slope and the weekend is within sight. But mostly, it’s the mash-ups, right? Of course. Now let’s get to it.

Shippo is a young kitsune who travels with Kagome and InuYasha. He’s the bratty little brother to InuYasha and InuYasha is the bully big brother to him. He’s helpful when he can be and he’s devoted to Kagome as a surrogate mom/big sister.

Here’s Skitter as Shippo. Pretty adorable huh?

That’s all for this week. Take care and see you next week for more fun and frivolity!