Nov 252016

Friday morning is here and that’s time for a mash-up. It’s about the only thing that’ll have posted on time this week. I’ve been so lax. Click on pictures to enlarge!

I’m split on Orko. The character was comic relief in the cartoon and tended to be on the annoying side. His figure was similar to Ram-Man in that he was a block of plastic with only his arms that were poseable. I never got the toy but I wanted it. The zip cord that made him roll across the floor in circles was just a neat feature.

Here’s Cyran as Orko. I love how this one turned out. In particular, I think the robe looks good, particularly the way the hem billows out.


Here’s a comparison to the original, which I liked except for it looks like his left arm backwards. That has a lot to do with how I drew paws back then.


That’s all for this week. More Masters of the Universe fun in the weeks to come. Don’t ya dare miss it!

Nov 182016

Wow! I almost missed Friday completely…I woke up late this morning and had to hurry to get ready for work. I have no excuse for missing yesterday’s Funnies update, but that just went up before this. As always, click on a picture to see a close-up.

So Faker is a He-Man clone sent by Skeletor to trick the other good guys. I don’t know who he was supposed to fool, being blue and all, but then not all of Skeletor’s plans were winners. I liked the colour scheme of the figure though. They chose a nice shade of blue for his skin and orange and purple are my favorite colours so it all works for me. If I ever got Faker, it would have been to get Skeletor’s armor in orange.

If Todrick is He-Man, then he also has to be Faker. No stories to tell about drawing this one. It turned out well.


Here’s a comparison to the original piece. I chose not to go with the orange ears this time around. The way Todrick is holding his sword looks a lot more natural as well.


And that’s all for this week. Have a great weekend everybody. More flashback fun next week.

Nov 112016

Hello and welcome back to Flashback Friday. Is this like Deja-Vu Tuesday? No! Flashback Friday is vastly superior, especially since Deja-Vu Tuesday isn’t a thing so far as I know. Click on pics to see a close-up!

Ram-Man was probably one of my least favorite Masters of the Universe characters, both in terms of the toy and his actual character, at least as depicted in the cartoon. First, the toy was big departure from the MotU action figure aesthetic. This was necessary for the toy’s ramming action feature, but it just reduced articulation so much. And Ram-Man was such a dim-wit in the cartoon. Not even in a charming, funny way either. There was really nothing I liked about him. Now, I can appreciate the style of his design, particularly the updated version.

Here’s Barnaby as Ram-Man. I particularly like the way the colours worked out in the helmet, just a ting of purple adds a nice effect.

ram-bearOriginally, I wanted to try drawing Barnaby in a full-charging pose.  I got so far as finishing a full sketch but didn’t like the way it turned out, so I started over and went for a battle-ready pose that could suggest that he was READY to charge as you see above. Below is the original sketch.


Here’s a comparison to the original. With the exception of the stick arms, the original Ram-Bear was my favorite of the set, particularly the shading. The new Ram-Bear isn’t my favorite of the remakes, but I do think it turned out solid.


That’s all for this week. Come back next Friday for another look back at Masters of the Universe. Have a great weekend!

Nov 042016

Does this seem familiar? Well it should, because this. Is. A. FLASHBACK! Oh yeah! Click on pictures to enlarge them.

In the original series bible, Evil-Lyn is an astronaut from Earth named Evelyn Powers. She crashes on Eternia with two other astronauts, Biff and Marlena. Biff mutates into Beast-Man. Marlena marries King Randor to become queen and Evelyn becomes an evil sorceress named Evil-Lyn (love the puns!). This plot is pretty much abandoned by the cartoon. Evil-Lyn is an evil sorceress who helps Skeletor. She’s one of his most competent aides.

Here’s Nektara as Evil-Lyn. In the toy line, Evil-Lyn and Teela shared a body sculpt. In order to make each drawing more distinct, I went with the 200x update of Evil-Lyn for the original. This time around, I went back to the classic look for Evil-Lyn and went with the cartoon look for Teela to distinguish the two.


Here’s the comparison to the original. The original Evil-Lyn was one of the weaker drawings insofar as keeping the character’s dimensions go. It just doesn’t look like Nektara. But I really liked the colouring and shading.


That’s all for this week. More Masters flashbacks next week.

Oct 282016

By the Six! Is it Friday already? Actually, I’ve been longing for Friday so…yeah! Let’s see a flashback! The pictures are small this week so remember to click to enlarge them.

Allura is Adam’s (He-Man’s) sister. She was kidnapped by Hordak when she was a child (which is why we never heard about her previous to her release). He raised her and brainwashed her to serve as the captain of his guard on Etheria (another planet). At some point she finds a mystic sword of her own and snaps out of her brainwashing and leads the rebellion against Hordak as She-Ra. The line was aimed at girls and didn’t match the Masters of the Universe toys so I never bought any of the figures. The cartoons replaced the He-Man series and I wasn’t able to get into them even though they look to be of better quality. There were a couple of crossover specials, including a Christmas one. That pretty much sums up my knowledge of She-Ra.

Nektara returns as She-Ra. Not a lot to say about this one, it turned out well. No special stories on drawing it.


Comparison to the original. The limbs were spindly as always, but the original was otherwise pretty good for the time. The headdress hid how poorly I drew curved lines.


That’s all for this week. Come back next week for another flashback from the Masters of the Universe mythos!