Oct 042014

Hello friends! I hope you’re all enjoying your Saturday. The Guardians of the Galaxy theme isn’t over yet, but I brought the heroes of the theme together for a group shot.

As happened with the Teen Titans group picture, I had to redo someone’s eyes, this time Red Rich’s, so that he wouldn’t be looking in a completely other direction than everybody else because that just looks weird. The sizes play different from the real Guardians of the Galaxy obviously but it still makes for a fun group picture. Click on it to enlarge it.


Oct 012014

Hey there friends. It’s Wednesday morning and that means it’s time for a new mash-up. Maybe this will help me wake up this morning because it’s been super tough for me to do so lately.

The Guardians of the Galaxy theme continues this week. Be sure to click on the picture to enlarge it because bigger is better.

Red Rich is Rocket Raccoon because really…who else was going to be Rocket? I’ve rarely spent so much time drawing a gun as I did here. I think it turned out pretty well though. It’s not often when I draw Red Rich without a coloured mask, but it just made sense for Rocket.


That’s all for the titular Guardians but the theme isn’t over. Next week the Guardians of the Galaxy theme continues. Find out what other characters will be mashed next Wednesday!

Sep 242014

Sleepy Wednesday morning, when I wanna sleep but the sleep she cannot come because I have to go to work. Sad Wednesday morning. But I know the cure to the sad sleepy Wednesday morning blues: A new mash-up!

It’s Guardians of the Galaxy for the foreseeable future as only a third of the cast has appeared so far. Let’s get one step closer to halfway! As always, click on the pic to enlarge it.

Sass was the obvious choice to play Gamora. The long limbs make such a difference.


That’s all for this week. Next week is the last of the actual Guardians. I think you all know who that will be.

Sep 172014

Hoo boy! It’s Wednesday morning and my back is not happy with me. I need to work on my posture because this is not fun. A mash-up would help though, so let’s share one!

More Guardians of the Galaxy this week of course. As always, click on the picture to enlarge it.

It was clear to me that Barnaby was going to be Groot. However, Groot is a tree-person and doesn’t wear any clothes. How was I going to do that? I decided that Barnaby would be wearing pieces of a tree costume. It’s not the strongest mash-up, but it serves the purpose.


That’s all for this week. Next week, we have the Guardians’ femme fatale. See you next Wednesday for the reveal!

Sep 102014

Good Wednesday to you all! It is a day of mashing and upping, mash-upping even! Let us begin!

The Guardians of the Galaxy theme continues this week as it will for the next few weeks. Have I mentioned how much I loved the movie?

Todrick is here as Drax the Destroyer, who was played by Dave Bautista, a professional wrestler. As much as I like wrestling, I can’t say I’ve ever been a big Batista (his wrestling name) fan and his casting worried me. I know he had the right look, but I was unconvinced about his acting chops. Well he turned out great. In fact, I really enjoyed Bautista’s performance. Drax’s elaborate tattoos caused me all kinds of problems. I tried to replicate the actual movie designs but was never satisfied with the result. Finally, I had to give up and just go with abstract geometric designs. As always, you can click on the picture to make it bigger. That way you can better see all the intricate buckles on his pants.


So that’s all for this week. Next week’s character only knows three words. Who is it and who will be playing him? That’s a secret until next Wednesday!