Mar 142014
Feb 282014
Feb 072014

I woke up this morning unable to figure out if it was Friday or Saturday. When the alarm clock went off shortly thereafter, I realized it was Friday. This was a good thing because it meant I hadn’t missed Flashback Friday!

Zoë finally gets to be in a flashback! And what a flashback it is! Let’s not dilly-dally and just get to it. All pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.

One of my favorite DC mash-ups was Zoë as Hawkgirl. It was the first idea I wanted to revisit for a flashback. Choosing different costumes helps me keep things feeling fresher, so I went with the Hawkgirl costume from Injustice this time around. Lots of nice details. I was really worried about the wings with all those feathers, but I think they turned out rather good. As I was drawing her, I thought about adding a Hawkman to the mix. I thought, maybe Popkin? But ultimately I decided against it. It was when I had finished colouring AND shading Zoë that I realized I could cast Skitter in the Hawkman role. I started the pencils right above the finished Zoë and only ended up with a bit of his knee overlapping. Hawkman wasn’t in Injustice, so I went with the New 52 look, though with the iconic mace instead of an axe. This is my new favorite mash-up of all time, surpassing Steampunk Barnaby.


I thought I had finished everything when I noticed something was missing. The picture looked good so I could have left it at that, but I chose to go back anyway and add the missing bit. I’ve included the original “finished” piece below. Can you see what was missing?


If you said “Hawkmouse’s belt and pouches” you would be correct! Nothing major, but they were supposed to be in there so I went back. The great thing about drawing digitally is that making additions like that is a cinch. I just added an ink layer for the belt and pouches and then carefully erased the lines and colours from the layers underneath.

Because I like to isolate things, below are Hawkmouse and Hawkmunk separately. The standard width I use when resizing makes the Hawkmunk look bigger.


Finally, here’s the comparison piece of the original and new Zoës.  My line work is so much cleaner now. Skitter wasn’t around when the first piece was done, so there’s nothing to compare him with.


That’s all for this week. Will next week’s flashback be up to the level I established here? Come back and find out!

Nov 292013

Howdy folks and welcome to Flashback Friday!

I’ve only been drawing mash-ups since March of last year, but I’ve made a lot of progress since that time. So much so, that when I compare the mash-ups I draw today to the ones I did back then, I’m really disappointed that I didn’t do a better job on some of my favorite subjects. Just to see how far I’d come, I thought why not redo the first mash-up I did, which was Todrick as Aquafox (Aquaman)? I love alliterative names and so Flashback Friday was born. Anyway, that’s the background, let’s get to the picture, right?

I decided to go with the New 52 version of Aquaman. The difference is mainly in the belt.


And for comparative purposes, here’s the original and the new drawing, side by side.


Okay, so that’s it for now. I’ll have a new flashback next Friday. Have a good weekend!