Sep 142022

Hey time for a mash-up!

So this is really funny. When I drew my Mina – Avengers mash-up, I realized that I had not drawn Skitter or Chae as Avengers so I figured I’d do them now. I drew Skitter as Vision which you saw last week and then it was supposed to Chae’s turn, only I forgot and drew Mina again. It’s only as I was preparing this post that I realized my mistake. Rather than let all that work go to waste, I went back modified it into Chae. Since the Mina piece is finished though I figure I may as well show that too. I know Mina will say she wears it better, but what do you all think?

That’s all for this week. What will we see next week? Well only time travelers know! The rest of us will need to wait until next Wednesday!