Feb 182014

Hey all, new blog time.

Before we move on to new topics, I’d like to talk about last week’s blog. I was obviously a little down when I wrote it (I’m feeling better now) and two of my friends reached out to me after reading it just to make sure I was alright. I thought it was super sweet of them and I appreciate it. Carolyn and Lyne, you’re awesome!

I went to see the Lego Movie on Sunday. It was a lot of fun. There was one scene in particular I really enjoyed, but I don’t want to spoil it for those who haven’t seen it, because it involves a surprise cameo.

Somehow, I got behind on my strip drawing. I don’t know how it happened. I thought I was a strip behind last week so I drew a strip during the week so I’d be back up to date this weekend. It turns out I was two strips behind and I’m going to have to draw another during the week to get back up to date for next weekend. I’ve been just sorta going week to week with the story not knowing how it’s supposed to go. This weekend, I finally just sat down and organized my ideas to decide how things were going to go. I’m at last beginning to see the end of the storyline take form.

Okay, so the bandits! I said I’d talk about them once they were all introduced. So let’s talk about them.

Going into the weekend where I had to write and draw the introduction of the bandits, I still had no clear idea of their identities. I knew that one of them carried a potato named Bud around with him, but that’s it. I didn’t even know their names! I had reached a point where I couldn’t delay any longer though. I had to think of something. But what?

I started sketching. I figured if I knew what they looked like, I’d be able to figure them out. Fortunately, I was right. When I could see their faces, I imagined personalities for each of them.


Horvath was the leader, not because he was the strongest, but because he was the most cunning. Big L (I wanted to call him Big Lou but it was too common) was the mean guy with a chip on his shoulder. Mudd was the innocent type who thought his pet potato was a deposed monarch. Calbert was the surprisingly observant hulking enforcer. Shade was the mystery fur. Shade was a fur of mystery. I remember specifically thinking about the Foot Clan soldiers when I drew a trio of animals wearing the same outfit as a sort of generic bandit to add numbers to the roster.

Apparently, I’ve decided to add magic to the world my characters live in. In the Furship Chronicles I established that there are phantoms of deceased furs roaming around. Once I firmly added that fantastical element, it wasn’t that big a jump to add magic. It works with some of the ideas I had in mind for the Coven. The Skulkers are a different organization entirely. I haven’t fully fleshed out what their goals are.

So that’s where I’m at.