Sep 242021

Friday is a special day. It’s even more special when there’s a flashback involved. So let’s enjoy this even more special day!

Quina is a blue mage gourmand cook. Their gender is never clear in the game. It’s not really important either. They’re Quina and they love to eat frogs. Quina is one of my favorite cards in the Final Fantasy TCG. Lots of fun.

Popkin is back as Quina. This one was pretty simple to draw with one or two little exceptions. I’m not sure how I feel about the colouring job I did. It’s not quite what I wanted. I really like how the tongue turned out though. That’s really weird to say huh?

Here’s a comparison to the original. I kinda like the colouring of the original better. At least the jacket. The new piece is much more polished of course.

That’s all for this week. Right now it’s time for my evening walk. We’ll have more fun next week! See you then!